Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Martian luther kings Jr's letter of birmingham jail and i have a dream

April 6,1963
Dr,kings letter was that he was trying to let the people know the reason why he was in the brimingham..Martin luther king had four main reasons in the town. The first reason was that he was invited to join a protest.The second reason is beacuz he had orginizatinal ties and there was bombings.

August 28,1968
Dr,kings i had a dream speech had a big impact.It was to end all racism in the united states.

I have a dream
washington Dc august 28,1963

Martin luther king audience was the people march and the people listened to his speech.he mentioned a great american in his speech by the name of Abraham lincoln ,mentioned him beacause he was in the lincoln memorial. He said that african americans weren't free

24th amendment,1964 civil rights act and voting rights

24th amendment ,1964 civil rights act

in 1964,an act to enforce the constitution right to vote was created. It was enacted by the 88th united states congress. in was afected on july 2,1964. this bill was made by John F Kennedy in his civil rights speech in june 11,1963.Kennedys civil rights bill included provisions to ban discrimination in public accomidations ,and to enable the U.S. attorney general

voting rights act 1965

A landmark piece of national legislation in the united states that outlawed discrimination voting practices that had been responsibale for the wide spread disenfranchisement of african americans in the U.S. It was enacted by the 89th united states congress.and has been since augest 6,1965